InnWatch: Innjoo Taking up the Challenge to Galaxy Gear and i-Watch
Even Innjoo
is not smiling at the sight of the Samsung Galaxy Gear and Apple i-Watch and they
have decided to give it to them just the way they want.
“What you
think only Samsung and Apple can do, Innjoo can even do better”
technology is appearing brighter by the day as more companies embraces the idea
as time goes on.
Latest in line
of company is Innjoo; the Chinese Start
up mobile OEM with stronghold in the
UAE has also keyed into the race for
smartwatch technologies with their latest InnWatch.
The InnWatch is Innjoo latest device
(smart-watch) that promises lots of amazing features.
Innjwatch was designed to feature Cabochon 2.5DTP TFT Ultra-HD screen; the body is made with Zn-Mg alloy material and with glossy frame that gives it this sweet sensation of great touch feelings.
Must Read: Samsung Galaxy VS Apple Smart-watches
The mirror
bright bevel edge of the InnWatch is a modern state of the art look in smart
devices on similar categories, and it comes with a comfortable and enduring
With the ability
to seamlessly synchronize data with smartphones and can play major role in
maintaining good health condition by assisting and monitoring your daily
physical exercise routine, the InnWatch is no doubt a device to behold.
At this
juncture as a matter of little history knowledge, you should recall that the
pioneering company in the smartwatch technology that is now going viral in this
modern era is not Samsung nor Apple but
InnWatch: Innjoo Taking up the Challenge to Galaxy Gear and i-Watch
Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu
1:35:00 PM

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