MTN Increases MTN True Talk Plus Call Tariff Plan Rate From 11k/s To 20k/s, But Glo, Airtel and Etislat Still Rocking

It is sad to be discussing of increased call tariff plan rate at this time instead of doing the reversal but that is the latest development coming out from MTN.

Remember that not long ago, MTN joined the queue of introducing a call tariff plan, MTN True Talk+ that was meant to challenge similar cheapest call rate plans launched by other competing network.

The MTN true Talk Plus was earlier launched to offer all MTN subscribers the ability to make calls to all networks in the country at the rate of 11k/s (N6.60k/min) with N5 daily access, but it seems that things have currently gotten out of hand, as MTN has gone ahead to increase the tariff rate to 20k/s (N12/min).

According to the recent messages circulated by MTN to notify MTN subscribers of the increase, MTN attributed the recent increase in the tariff of the MTN True Talk Plus tariff plan as a regulatory requirement.

But we are still wondering why is that the regulatory requirement seems to be affecting only MTN as if they are the only GSM network provider operating in the country, as other networks that have similar tariff plan rate are still maintaining the 11k/s rate.

If you are interested in porting to those other networks for the 11k/s call tariff rate with N5 daily access fee which is deducted only when you make a chargeable call, Glo has the tariff plan in Glo Gbam Plus, Airtel has it in Airtel SmartTalk, while Etisalat has it in Etisalat Easy life 4.0 Limited Edition.

It is now left for you to choose which of the networks that will best rock your world.

MTN Increases MTN True Talk Plus Call Tariff Plan Rate From 11k/s To 20k/s, But Glo, Airtel and Etislat Still Rocking MTN Increases MTN True Talk Plus Call Tariff Plan Rate From 11k/s To 20k/s, But Glo, Airtel and Etislat Still Rocking Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 8:07:00 AM Rating: 5

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