How to make your blog posts attractive

In the blogosphere, since we already know that quality content is king and also since quality content (blog posts) enhances and promote visitors to your blog which in turn amounts to traffic that can easily transit into cash, then there is every reason for bloggers to make their posts attractive.

Let start from the negative angle, so if you want to know the negative sides of what unattractive blog posts will eventually results into, then the simple things that will happen to you and your blogs are as follows
How to make your blog posts attractive

= => unattractive blog posts will increase your blog bounce rate. In case you don’t still now what blog bounce rate is all about, blog bounce rate in simple terms is the speed with which your blog visitors disappears from your blog on visiting your blog, instead of staying in your blog to consume and savour what should have been considered juicy contents they just vamoose within a twinkle of an eye as if they saw a dangerous wild animal in you blog. 

The simple cause of that are unattractive blog posts. So it is always a good blogging practice to keep your bounce rate as low as possible. Two good methods of achieving that are attractive posts and internal blog linking.

= => it will drive away your visitors away and keep your traffic very low just the way a bad seller will drive away his/her customers because of bad attitude or unattractive way of leasing with costumers.

= => it will get you frustrated in the blogosphere. And when you become frustrated since the major two things that people blog for; passion or money or passion and money together, it kills the two major things in you that drives your blogging career, and since nobody blogs for himself/herself but rather for others to consume.

= => getting frustrated of killing the blogging burning desire in you will in turn leave you with only one option; which is quitting or planning to quit blogging.

= => planning to quit or quitting blogging automatically ends your blogging career and you will no longer be called a blogger.

So in order not to allow any of the above things to happen to you, as I have said earlier, there is every reason you need to make your blog posts attractive. 

The question left here is how one can make his /her blog posts attractive. 

There are several, important but often neglected ways of making blog posts very attractive which in turn drive those traffic that you have always long for in one way or the other. Without further ado, let go straight on how to make your blog post attractive.

1.        Your blog posts title should always be charming as this is always the first things that your potential blog reader sees before jumping into your blog. 

      Not only that, in SEO it is the major thing that search engine considers before bringing your post to the top of a searched page. Nobody can deny the enormous joy it brings to bloggers whey they always see their posts at the top of search engine results.

2.        Always write explicitly – when you posts are straight to the point and self-explanatory, your visitor tends to savour your posts more.

3.        Use simple fonts and keep your font size normal and readable – no need to start going for stylish fonts that are in cursive and sometimes making it difficult to decipher letters, as you should always bear in mind that it is blogging that you are into and not a form of artistic work. Make sure that your font sizes are not too small that makes your post illegible for readers to digest.

4.        Since humans are fallible with letters, always write your posts first on word editing software, making sure that all sentence correction and spell checkers are turned on, because people always gets frustrated reading articles filled with poor spelling and poorly constructed sentences.

5.        Writhing original posts keeps your blog posts attractive since the posts is original and not lifted directly from other peoples blogs or sites, it gives your blog visitors confident and keeps them glued to your blog unlike the ill feelings they would have had coming to your blog to read fresh content and immediately finding out that they have read that exact thing somewhere else.

6.        Original blog posts also include your illustrative images, learn how to create your own original images other that always lifting others images. You can get simple but useful tips on creating your own blog images on how to create original images for your blog posts

7.        Break your blog posts into small different paragraphs, as this gives your blog readers hope of finishing one short paragraph at a time and it keeps them reading on and on no matter how long the post might tend to appear. 

      When you jam pack your posts in one lengthy paragraph without breaking them into smaller ones, the paragraph appears so long and this can easily discourage your visitors and in turn increase your bounce rate as they might take it to be unending paragraph.

8.        Be careful the way you use external linking in your blog post as indiscriminate use might also increase your blog bounce rate and make your easily lose your juicy content to other blogs.

The above methods are simply the major magical ways that keeps your blog post attractive and which will in turn keep your visitors coming over and over again as if you left a gold mine in your blog for them to come and harvest freely. 

Ignoring these facts could easily have negative impacts on you and your blog as mentioned earlier in this piece while putting the tips in practice will definitely keep alive that which drives you into blogging.

If you are happy, simply go down this page and leave your comments to express yourself freely because we all believe in the freedom of expression.

How to make your blog posts attractive How to make your blog posts attractive Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 2:22:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. Sincerely i love this article indeed it project out what you are saying and its well written and attractive even educative aswell so now pls i have a issue am an upcoming and new Blogger and my BLOG URL is ( i Blog on Agriculture - environment and Health so my major worry is that if i try to space my written Blog post into paragraph @ d Blogger dashboard eventually whebn i publish it everytin ll just join packed 2geda so it gets me somehow worried bcos i dont knw much abt Html stuffs and i dont knw maybe it requires me 2 cut my post into paragraph pls help me plsss

  2. I also have the same problem with tolu akanni...what do I do


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