February and latest updates on airtel Blackberry Internet Subscription (BIS) browsing on PC and other devices

With so much calls and questions coming in on browsing the internet with airtel BIS on PC, android devices, iPhones and other devices, a lot of people have been requesting that I should update them on latest happenings and that I should tell them whether browsing on PC and other devices with the airtel BIS is still working at the moment, and also that I should supply them with the monthly, weekly and daily codes if only it is working on those devices.

My initial reply was that the codes are everywhere on my pages, but it is still in that vein that I am coming up with this latest February update to inform you all on what is going on presently in the world of airtel BIS browsing on PC and other devices.

As you all know by now, that sometimes late last year, messages where sent to most airtel subscribers telling them that airtel BIS will stop working on non-blackberry devices, but  the question here is that, after that date mentioned reached, did airtel BIS stopped working on other devices till this very moment? Answer = NO.
February and latest updates on airtel Blackberry Internet Subscription (BIS) browsing on PC and other devices

As you all can see, this is the 4th day of February 2014 and the month is still very new, filled with love and even better things ahead. 

So I am authoritatively and categorically telling you with so much love, that airtel BIS browsing on PC and other devices is still rocking perfectly on any device that you can think of, and there has not been any day that it stopped working ever since last year that such text messages was circulated if not just for only few moments intervals as a result of normal temporal network issues also associated with all other networks in the country, .
Any of the three airtel BIS categories of monthly, weekly and daily packages is still browsing uninterruptedly till this very moment that this article is being published. In the area where I stay, the network is wonderful with great speed, because sometimes I have heard of people complain of slow network in their area. 

Off course, you should not expect every network to be fast in every location and poor networks in some areas are also obtainable with every other network.  But what I am assuring you is that if you are receiving the GPRS, EDGE or 3G with your airtel network in any location at all in the country, then you should be able to browse with airtel BIS on any devices.
Ever since this airtel BIS browsing on PC and other devices came up, at least, you have been able to surf the internet at reasonable price rate as compared to other networks and other browsing packages.

The only thing I want to mention here that stopped working when it comes to airtel BIS browsing on PC and other devices was the airtel black unlimited 2+1 offers which were all promos and ended in the beginning of this year. But every other airtel BIS is still working perfectly on PC and other devices.
When I talk of every other airtel BIS package, I am referring to both the normal airtel BIS packages and the so called airtel blackberry unlimited package. Note that it is only blackberry unlimited 2+1 packages that one can no longer subscribe to.

Don’t worry, I will give you the codes for the normal airtel BIS and those of the so-called unlimited packages right away with best prices;

= => Airtel BIS Monthly

Subscription code: Send the keyword BSM to 440
Data cap: 1GB
Price: N1,200

= =>Airtel BIS weekly

Subscription code: Send the keyword BSW to 440
Data cap: 400MB
Price: N400

= => Airtel BIS Daily

Subscription code: Send the keyword BSD to 440
Data cap: 10MB
Price: N100

Then for the Airtel BIS unlimited packages which is more preferable and more cost effective you have;

= => Airtel BIS unlimited monthly

Subscription code: Send the keyword BBUM to 440
Data cap: 2GB
Price: N1,500

= => Airtel BIS unlimited weekly

Subscription code: Send the keyword BBUW to 440
Data cap: 400 MB
Price: N400

= =>Airtel BIS unlimited daily

Subscription code: Send the keyword BBUD to 440
Data cap: 80MB
Price: 100

Once again all the above mentioned airtel BIS packages works perfectly on PC and other devices. But if by any means after subscribing to any of the packages, and it fails to browse, then just feel free to top it up with N100 and dial this code *141*11*1#, after which it will begin browsing. Enjoy!!!
February and latest updates on airtel Blackberry Internet Subscription (BIS) browsing on PC and other devices February and latest updates on airtel Blackberry Internet Subscription (BIS) browsing on PC and other devices Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 7:22:00 AM Rating: 5


  1. Replies
    1. There is no special settings, just the normal airtel APN which is internet.ng.airtel.com

    2. Are you sure this is this working? Why is it not working for me?

    3. Yes Adewale, I am 100% sure it is working, maybe you are not getting it right and have you topped with with that of N100 as suggested?


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