The more reasons you should use Opera web browser for most of your casual browsing on PC

When it comes to mobile browsing, many people enjoy using opera-mini/opera-mobile to access the internet. 

This is just simply because of the numerous benefits associated with surfing the net with this mobile browser, which includes but not only internet speed and low data consumption as a result of opera powerful feature of shrinking web pages from servers before downloading.

On the contrary when it comes to web browsing on PC, people often neglect the opera web browser and they mostly use Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers to access the internet. 

The more reasons you should use Opera web browser for most of your casual browsing on PC
One cannot doubt that these browsers are powerful and good internet browsers, but after reading this article, you will begin to see more reasons you should start using the rejected stone (opera web browser) more because it is about to turn into the chief corner stone to your web browser choice.

Now considering the fact about the high cost of data bundle subscription in the country and also data bundle limitations from the major network providers. 

For instance we know that most of the network providers here offer only 200MB data for N1000 and for a period of 1 month! How can 200MB serve you on your PC for 1 solid month? It is almost impossible even for low internet users.

With such condition, you will now agree with me that everybody will want to know if there exist any methods that will be used to conserve the data and at least browse for much longer time before exhausting it. It is in this vein that I introduce to you the opera web browser as a browsing choice for most of your casual browsing and fun activities.

It is important to note here that the opera browser technology of fast browsing and page shrinking to minimize data consumption is not only applicable to opera-mini/opera-mobile alone but also the same thing goes with making use of the opera web browser on PC. 

So if you want to manage or conserve that your tiny data bundle or conserve data as a whole while browsing with your PC why not use your opera web browser in most cases when carrying out web activities like information sourcing, social media, mail service and others.

The opera web browser is fast and safe, and most importantly it safes you high data usage to about 50 to 70% than what you would have expended while using those other browsers mentioned above. 

Unlike the opera-mini/opera-mobile for mobile devices which does not support flash media and animation and also does not support or display ads from ad network providers like Adsense and others, the opera-web browser is entirely different from that as all animated media and ads displays perfectly just like on your other web browsers.

Again unlike other web browsers, when using the opera web browser, you will be seeing the amount of data consumed or downloaded when opening webpages, you will see it at the top part of the browser reading when opening any webpage which is mostly in minute fractions of Kilobytes (KB).

Finally, the opera web browser has a feature known as opera-turbo; this is for you to increase the speed of the browser if by any reason you are operating or receiving a poor and slow connection. 

What you should do is just for you to activate the opera-turbo and you will start browsing at the speed of light. Activating the opera-turbo is simple, all you need to do is just to locate the small symbol for it which is mostly located at the lower left side of the browser, the click and activate and you will have an increased speed to your browser.

The more reasons you should use Opera web browser for most of your casual browsing on PC The more reasons you should use Opera web browser for most of your casual browsing on PC Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 10:03:00 AM Rating: 5

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