Automatically conserve your credit balance and battery life now on your android device with Juice Defender

Do you always forget switching off your Android device data in order to conserve your credit balance and battery life?

You all know by now the devastating nature when you forget to do that, and worst of it is when you have credit balance on your SIM and you are not subscribed to any data bundle plan.

As result of the constant running of background apps that require data, if you fail to off your data, by the time you realize yourself, you will be left with empty account balance.
Juice Defender app for Android

Again, by now you should know that there are no any components on your device that drains battery as 3G/4G connectivity and WiFi.

If you are faced with those problems above on your android device, then Juice Defender is the solution. 

Some of you might have known the app Juice Defender, but for those that haven’t known, Juicedefender is a powerful Android app that performs wonders on your device battery and also saves you from many other things as mentioned above.

One of the magic that it does is that it can automatically turn off your droid data when not in use and on again when you are ready to make use of it. By so doing, it saves you from unnecessary credit deductions even without you knowing and conserves your battery in the most judicious ways.

Juice Defender disables connectivity when the need arises on your droid phone, such as when your battery is low, and enables it for specific app that consumes lesser energy at that point. 

It is excellent at managing all the data draining components of your phone in the most effective way and can do it automatically.

If you have not gotten Juice Defender for your Android device, this is the best opportunity now to do that and save yourself from many worries.

You can go straight to Google Play Store, search for it , download and install to see the magic for yourself.

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Automatically conserve your credit balance and battery life now on your android device with Juice Defender Automatically conserve your credit balance and battery life now on your android device with Juice Defender Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 10:37:00 AM Rating: 5


  1. I am curious to feel how the Juice Defender actually works. This review seems to give it a good rating but I will decide after installing and using it on my android. Hopefully, my battery and data balance would be saved after using it :D

    This comment was shared in - the content aggregator website where this post was shared for Internet marketers.

    Sunday - Contributor to

    1. Hi Sunday,

      I suggest you satisfy your curiosity and try it out as it is even a free app that will cost you nothing. I believed you will be wowed by the amazing thing that the Juice Defender app will do on your android device.

      Thank you for dropping by

  2. Hey this is a great information for the cell users!
    I am not aware that if we are not switching it off
    the constant running of background apps will empty your battery
    and the data, this is indeed a new information to me.
    Thanks for sharing this vital information all cell phone users should make note of it
    I am sure many of the smart phone users are not aware about this fact
    Thanks Edwin for submitting this post here
    May you have a wonderful day
    Hey I found this post at and i kingged it and posted this comment there. thanks

    1. Hey Ariel,

      Yes it does drain battery when you fail to switch off your data, in fact there is nothing that drains battery like that, and that is why Juice defender will be nice to use to do the switching off data job automatically.

      Thanks for coming and do have a great day.

  3. Hi there!

    I have an LG-E425f, I love it.

    It’s a very simple android phone. What I love about it the most is it’s batter power takes really long to get low.

    Maybe because I don’t have games, but I do have a lot of apps. I love it every time I play music, it never easily gets low bat.

    Thanks for sharing this tool, I might as well try it on my other phone, O+ 8.36.

    Thanks for sharing!


    oh, I also found this post shared at try checking it out!


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