5 solid reasons why bloggers quit blogging every now and then

These days, the manners and rate which I see many bloggers hanging their computers, pens and papers are alarming. The easiest way to detect a blogger that wants to quite blogging, even if he/she doesn’t want to reveal it to his/her fellow blogger that they are quitting, is if you see a blogger that owns a single blog but put it up for sale, it is a sign that he/she is about to quit.

Though quitting blogging is not something new or strange, as there could even be other genuine and excusable reasons behind such actions apart from the 5 major reasons that we are about to highlight.
5 solid reasons why bloggers quit blogging every now and then

Now without even a single delay, here are the 5 solid reasons why many bloggers easily quit blogging.

1.      They jumped into blogging thinking it is a get rich quick scheme – Yes, many bloggers today that are eventually calling it quit to blogging just a little while they ventured into blogging are quitting because they thought blogging is a rapid avenue to wealth. By so doing, just after 3 to 6 months of blogging, and if they have not made a dime, you see them quickly hopping out of blogging the same way they hopped into it.

2.      No passion at all – When you blog without any atom of passion, there is high tendency that you will not last long in the blogosphere and you are likely to call it quit at any given moment.

3.      You chose the wrong niche for yourself – One big mistake some bloggers make is choosing the wrong niche for themselves. You might be passionate about blogging, but when you blog on the wrong niche that doesn’t match your strength, enthusiasm and views, then you might end up getting frustrated at the long run and calling it quit.

Ask yourself if you are choosing a niche just because you felt other bloggers are excelling in it or because that the niche do attract more traffic. That is a very wrong mentality when choosing a blogging niche or else you want to join the copy and paste bloggers in that niche.

4.      Lack of Capital – Taking a blog faster to the next level can involve considerable amount of capital. Even if you are not spending money on any other thing, you should be spending money on your internet subscriptions, and in some regions it is quite exorbitant.

And when this capital is not available and you end up seeing your blog only grow at a snail speed, it could be very discouraging for the blogger that needs capital in order to make things happen quickly. With that, he/she can just decide to bid farewell to blogging.

5.      Just unable to cope at the long run because of blogging demands – blogging no doubt is quite demanding unlike the way non-bloggers or intending bloggers see it. For you as a blogger to always draft out juicy contents that will always keep attracting readers is truly no joke or something to be seen on a lighter perspective. It involves great magnitude of time, effort, researches and ability to think outside the box.

After all that and publishing, it doesn’t still ends there as promotions and some form of advertising as the case may be are still there for you to carry out as a blogger. So you see that blogging is not that easy as it often appear, and for some they don’t usually have that strength and resilience to keep up the blogging going and they tend to quit out of those blogging demands.

Now you have all come to see the reasons why some bloggers easily call it quit and that blogging is not a lazy man’s business but a demanding activity that takes time, patience, resilience and wisdom to be able to wither the storm and take your blog to the next level.

If you are happy with this piece please use the comment box below to express yourself or if you are a blogger that has quitted before or plan quitting, please tell us your reason(s).
5 solid reasons why bloggers quit blogging every now and then 5 solid reasons why bloggers quit blogging every now and then Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 2:20:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. Thanks for this article. Blogging is not a get rich quick syndrome. It entails working hard, consistency, staying focused and in persistency.

    Keep up the good works.

    1. Thank you so much Kemmy for those mind uplifting words.
      Do have a lovely week ahead

  2. Hello Edwin!

    There are many reasons why most people quit blogging. Most bloggers quit blogging after the first 2-3 months, that's why there are lots of start-up bloggers, however, many of them shut down too or on the other words, stopped posting.

    Your list is true. I agree with it. That is why 90%stop and the remaining 10% of bloggers continue and succeed in making more than just a few dollars.

  3. Very true... I was blogging on 360musicng.co for A year and half before I made my first payout lol


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