Jumia and Konga Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales: Scam, Sham or What!?
The other
time, I took out time to talk so much on the significance of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but today back here
at home, I really need your humble submission pertaining the two biggest online
retail stores, Jumia and Konga on their Black Friday deals.
speaking, I need your opinion on the topic of discussion and I will like you to
tell us your personal experience or observation on any of the aforementioned
online retail stores this Black Friday and the Cyber Monday deals.
My own
personal experiences and observations on both stores this Black Friday have not
being funny at all and I was forced to put up this to know if I am the only
person noticing all these nonsense sales dubbed Black Friday sales.
If truly
this was how Black Friday was meant to be, then I will advise that online
shoppers should rather sleep all day on Black Friday and use Cyber Monday to
visit museums and zoos or find other offline recreational activities to engage
themselves with other than wasting their precious time and energy online
refreshing Jumia and Konga sites un-endlessly.
Must read: Konga VS Jumia
Last year,
by this same period of time, Konga started the Black Friday with what they
dubbed “Prices of items falling Ayakata on
their platform” and in my humble submission it was nothing but a total flop
because instead of the prices of items falling Ayakata, their entire platform
fell Ayakata that season.
Coming down
to this season now, I thought they will get it right this time around, but it
seems everything is still falling Ayakata in both Konga and Jumia and this my
second experiences and observations have kept me wondering and seriously asking
whether Jumia and Konga Black Friday sales are all scam, sham or what!?
Here is the
common trend this Black Friday on both stores; you will see what you want on
their platform at their Black Friday discounted prices page, clearly indicating
“Buy Now”, but if only their sluggish sites will even allow you to click to
buy, the next thing that you will be greeted with is “Sold out or no longer
My question
now, was there even a time those items listed at those prices were truly
subtle observation that I will also implore you to take note of is this; you
will see already discounted items displayed (For example, I saw an already
discounted PolyStar 32” LED TV at N32,000 from N35,000)
but the next time you come to see the item, it will then display “Sold Out” at
a very funny price ( I returned to see “Sold Out” for the PolyStar TV at N27,000).
Now why is
it that it is when the items are displayed “sold out” that you will then see
the extremely discounted prices (I smell a rat; because they did not even sell
it out at that price).
I also
noticed that the sold-out display prices were just means of attracting volumes
of shoppers to their sites and making them feel or think that those items were
actually sold at the prices displayed.
You can read: Credit card VS Debit card
In my
personal conclusion, I believe that Jumia and Konga are using this Black Friday
that was meant for appreciating their loyal customers to play hanky-panky on
Or maybe we
should change the name to White Friday
because they are really doing things in Black manner this Black Friday.
For now, I
want to rest my case and over to you, do you think that Jumia and Konga Black
Friday sale is anything other than a scam or sham?
Jumia and Konga Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales: Scam, Sham or What!?
Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu
10:44:00 AM

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