Google Adsense Ads Now Showing on Opera Mini Mobile Browser?

For ages now, webmasters and Adsense publishers knew that Google Adsense ads no longer displays on Opera mini mobile browser, and some webmasters and web developers have attributed the cause to be as a result of the limited JavaScript supports in Opera mini browser.

Google and Opera Mini developers on their parts have not really come out openly to give their reasons on why Google Adsense ads do not display on Opera mini browsers.

Sometimes ago, Google released Publisher Plugin that allow those on WordPress blogs to easily deliver Adsense ads on different platforms, and some even went to the extent of using it to successfully deliver Adsense ads on Opera Mini browser, but there was no such support on Blogger blogs.
Google Adsense Ads Now Showing on Opera Mini Mobile Browser?

 And even those on Blogger blogs have long accepted their fate of being unable to deliver Adsense ads on Opera Mini browser.

Though some third party companies like Mobstac and the rest sprang up and started offering some sort of solutions to delivering Adsense ads on Blogger blog platform, and they now offer premium support for that.

But the facts and the generally held conception remains that Google Adsense ads does not display on Opera Mini mobile browser.

Yesterday, I published an article on Blogspot Blog not redirecting to mobile view recently, and there in, I asked if that could be a bug that needed fixing by Blogger (Google).
We were still deliberating on the issues with other bloggers on why all of a sudden (as of yesterday), Blogspot blogs started re-directing to desktop view even when viewed with mobile devices and even when the mobile view settings was clearly enabled on Bloggers dashboard.

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Though we later found out that it was some sort of temporal bug that is being fixed, then come the big surprise that same yesterday; on visiting other blogs that serve Google Adsense ads with Opera Mini Mobile Browser, we noticed that Adsense ads were seen displaying.

Now the two big questions to this latest development are;

1.      Could it be that from now henceforth that Google Adsense ad will now be displaying on Opera Mini Browser?

2.      Who is actually behind this latest development; Google or Opera Mini developers?

These and many other issues regarding this latest development are what we will be discussing with like-minded individuals below the comment section and in different forums.
Google Adesnse Ads on Opera Mini

Meanwhile, you can as well visit other blogs that serve Google Adsense ads with your Opera Mini browser to confirm the veracity of what you have just read.

You can use the comment box below to air your opinions on this latest development and on what actually you feel about the whole thing.
Google Adsense Ads Now Showing on Opera Mini Mobile Browser? Google Adsense Ads Now Showing on Opera Mini Mobile Browser? Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 3:39:00 AM Rating: 5


  1. I actually noticed that on my blog 2 days ago. And what think is, this could only be temporary due to the festivity.

    Google may only be trying to increase the number of people reached by those Ads.

    Uche Francis

    1. Hi Uche,

      But the thing here is that I don't really think if we can pin point for now whether it is Google or Opera mini developers that did the upgrade.

      If it is Google and if it is temporal as you suggest above, then time will tell. Let's just keep out fingers crossed ans observe in the coming days.

      I like your blog! and I have been looking for more Tech blogs like that to add to my reading lists and I'll surely do that.

      Thank you for coming over and do have a nice day ahead..Happy Sunday!


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