Google Finally Let Loose of Fully Functional Driverless Car

In the past, you might have heard that the Search Engine Giant has been working assiduously on driver-less car.

But we were meant to understand that those previous driverless cars were just prototypes upon prototypes, which lack the full essentials of real driverless cars like brakes, steering, headlight, sensors and central computers.

This  festive season month has seen Google unveiled what is today known as the first model of the driverless car, fully qualified and equipped with functional steering and brakes, ready to go on public roads of Northern California in the New Year.

The picture of the bubble-shaped car was posted online by Google and was described as the best holiday gift.

On Google plus page, the search giant indicated that the car had been “zipping around their test track”, hopping to let it loose on public roads come this New Year.

Google also let us to know that when the car finally hits the road, that safety drivers for a while will continue to man the car with temporal control manuals until the technology gets perfected.

It is believed that the driverless car when fully functional will help in reducing the number of road accidents and also will ease congestion because driving will be done in more computerized manner that will reduce to reasonable extents the number of human errors.
Google Finally Let Loose of Fully Functional Driverless Car Google Finally Let Loose of Fully Functional Driverless Car Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 9:01:00 AM Rating: 5

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