Are There Any Dangers of Making Use of a Phone While it is Charging?

It is common habit to see people making use of their phones while being plugged into an AC outlet or in Power-Banks.

These days, as result of the sophistications of mobile phones, they tend to have addictive nature amongst users, as many can barely do anything now without their mobile devices at hand.

And now, because of all these, most times, phone users tend to lack the patience of leaving out their phones unused for about 2 to 3 hours while plugged in and charging.

This particular act has raised series of argument in the past and in recent times on how ideal such a practice is especially on its outcome on the phone battery itself.

While some have argued that it has no significant impact on the battery and phone itself, others see the opposite and believe that it can go a long way damaging both the battery and the phone itself.

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Today, we will be proffering a genuine and scientifically researched answer to the topic above.

When you make use of your phone while plugged in, the battery tends to use up more energy than normal, in other words, the phone battery becomes over worked as power is supplied concurrently with energy dissipation.

On the cause of such action, you might not notice an immediate or direct effect to your phone battery but a gradual damaging effect to the expected lifespan of the battery.

So the lifespan of the battery is shortened as result of the constant and excessive work done to the battery if you continue engaging in such practice.

Our final judgement is to say that it is not actually ideal for you to be making use of your phone when it is charging to avoid the damaging effect it could cause to your phone battery and also to avoid any possible risk of electric shock.

So it is either you remain patient and wait for your phone to charge fully before use or you bare the little consequences of having your battery lifespan shortened.
Are There Any Dangers of Making Use of a Phone While it is Charging? Are There Any Dangers of Making Use of a Phone While it is Charging? Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 8:03:00 AM Rating: 5

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