In Less than 12hrs, President Obama Official Twitter Account Generates 1.4Million Followers with His First Tweet
Obama Yesterday sent out his first official tweet with his verified account of the
President of the United State, @POTUS
Twitter handle.
And you do know
what!? In the position that he currently occupies as the first citizen of the
United State, his Twitter account at his first tweet generated 1.4million followers within 12hrs.
Here is what
his first official tweet looks like;
“Hello, Twitter! It’s Barack. Really! Six years
on, they’re finally given me my account”
Four hours
later, his second tweet came on about his visit to New Jersey, followed later
by his third which was in responds to tweet he received from the former
president of the United State, President Bill Clinton.
But it might
surprise you to note that President Obama with his @POTUS Twitter handle
follows only 65 Twitter account
holders which mostly include members of his cabinet, some popular sport team
from his home town Chicago and prominent White-House officials, but without any
foreign leader.
According to White House, Obama official Twitter account will serve as an avenue through which the president can reach directly to American people with his tweets.
In Less than 12hrs, President Obama Official Twitter Account Generates 1.4Million Followers with His First Tweet
Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu
6:26:00 PM

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