Will Simple Server APK Work on Devices Like Samsung, hTC, LG, Sony and Other Non-MTK Devices?
Owning to
the increasing relevance of the android Simple
Simple in powering up browsers for seamless surfing of the internet with
simple tweaks, many folks have seek answer to the above question.
Some already
know that Simple Server APK works well on MTK and Spreadtrum devices and are already
using it on their devices, but to know if it will power up browsers on devices
like Samsung, hTC, LG, Sony and other non-MTK devices is what they actually can
And again
somebody also asked me the other time in addition to whether Simple Server can
work on those devices, he went further and demanded to know if his Samsung device
needs rooting before he can install and use Simple Server on it.
Well, since
we are going on marathon sensitization in order to clear up most misinformed
assumptions and guesses by certain folks out there on issues relating to
rooting, IMEI tweaking and analysis, autoproxy, proxydroid and Simple Server, we are also going
to take our time to handle the above question in the most professional way.
Server APK is an ingenuously designed app for all android devices, regardless of
whether they are MTK, Spreadtrum, Qualcomm, Exynos etc. It will work on your
Samsung devices, hTC, Sony, LG, Motorola, all MTK and Spreadtrum devices and it
does not discriminate any categories of android devices.
And the good
thing is that it does not even require any rooting
on any of those devices, but only just the required and current working tweaks
on the settings and then you are good to go browsing.
But note
that it powers only the browsers in
all those devices and some apps that runs on background will not work with
Simple Server alone, and hence the need to augment it with apps like Autoproxy
or Proxydroid which in turn requires rooting before it can power up all other
background apps on those devices.
Those are
all you need to know for now about using Simple Server APK on non-MTK devices.
Will Simple Server APK Work on Devices Like Samsung, hTC, LG, Sony and Other Non-MTK Devices?
Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu
8:37:00 AM

Summary of what the admin is saying: once your device is rooted you can use it n d other app to power ur phn.