On Why Nigerian Famous Tech blog Techcabal Does Not Allow Any Form Of Commenting

Techcabal is a Nigerian famous tech blog that is characterised with professionalism in dishing out mostly tech related contents consistently over the years.

In fact going by Alexa ranking, every other tech blog operating within the country falls below Techcabal.

Now with the fame that Techcabal as a tech blog has garnered for over these years, it is expected and factual that it stands amongst Nigerian most visited blog on daily bases, which amounts to high volumes traffic blog.

Bearing in mind the volumes of traffic that Techcabal receives daily, it is also expected for such a high profile blog to have volumes of interactions pouring in within the comment area of the blog.

But if you have observed properly on Techcabal, such interactions within the comment sections of all their contents pages are non-existing.

And this is not because Techcabal blog visitors don’t like commenting, but it is simply because Techcabal did not deem it fit to make provision for any form of commenting system on their platform.

Not even the default commenting system can be found on their platform.

While operators of other blogs on the internet will either use the default commenting system of their blogging platform or integrate other commenting systems like the use of CommentLuv, Discuss, Facebook comment etc. Techcabal for reason best known to them decided to do otherwise, making it the first time we are observing a blog of any sort on the internet totally void of commenting system.

Normally, one will expect that every website/blog on the internet today should have at least one form of commenting system in order to enable or encourage well cherished interactions between blog readers and/or content publishers.

On why Techcabal has decided to toe that path still remains more of mirage, because on trying to seek for or see reasons for such actions, the more bewildered we tend to become.

One final thing that we also observed is that the absence of a commenting system on Techcabal has neither made them lesser nor bigger in any way than other competing tech blogs around, but we believed the height that they have attained has nothing really to do with not using any commenting system on their platform.
On Why Nigerian Famous Tech blog Techcabal Does Not Allow Any Form Of Commenting On Why Nigerian Famous Tech blog Techcabal Does Not Allow Any Form Of Commenting Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 3:37:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. I wonder why they don't allow comments. Xo they only want you to read and go your way

    1. You have noticed that too.. They are really practicing read and go your way


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