Fingerprint Scanner Is Of No Much Value And Just A Mere Way Of Making That Smartphone Expensive, Agreed?

Finger Print scanner is one of the phone features that are gradually getting into mainstream specs of modern flagship smartphones.

In fact, these days, Finger Print Scanner is now becoming a major standard in assessing premium devices and you can easily see or hear prospective phone buyers asking about the phone that they want to obtain, on whether it has Finger Print scanner or not.

To some, phones with Finger Print Scanner is one of the greatest technological development seen in ever dynamic mobile technology, but to people like us, in as much as we acknowledge and also see Finger Print scanner as an ingenuous and wonderful technology innovation, it is of no much additional value to a phone and rather we see it as a way of getting you spend through your nose in acquiring that desired smartphone.

You may want to ask; what is Fingerprint Scanner or what purpose does it serve on a phone?

As the name implies, Fingerprint scanner is a feature mostly located at the back of some flagship devices that is built with fingerprint sensor and used primarily as security feature for accessing the device that came along with it.

With Fingerprint Scanner phone, you can choose to set up fingerprint detection as the means of getting access into the phone and since fingerprint is unique to every individual, it personalizes the phone solely for your full usage.

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Aside from that primary function described above, there is nothing much again about the use of fingerprint scanner in a phone.

From our point of view we can tell you that some phone users have not even finished using other security features in their phones like the draw pattern security feature or the input password method and now we are having the Fingerprint Scanner in addition.

Remember that these security features can only be used one at a time, and that is to say you can choose to set up security pattern lock or input password or finger print detection as the way of gaining sole and full access to your device.

But now, here is what Finger Print scanner will do to that phone that you are about to acquire; if the phone you want to buy is having the Finger Print Scanning feature, be rest assured that the phone will not be going for a penny.

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If the phone was to sell for, let’s say $250 without a Finger Print Scanner, similar phone with exact specs and performance but with Finger Print Scanner will definitely shoot up the price to about $300.

Finger Print Scanner was the major reason on why you see the price for Techno Phantom 5 being rather on the high side.

Over to you, are you ready to pay the extra bucks just because of Finger Sprint scanner or you will rather save those extra bucks for a desired phone without a finger print scanner?

You already know our stands

Fingerprint Scanner Is Of No Much Value And Just A Mere Way Of Making That Smartphone Expensive, Agreed? Fingerprint Scanner Is Of No Much Value And Just A Mere Way Of Making That Smartphone Expensive, Agreed? Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 4:23:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. It is not worth it, what matters most in phone these days is the battery capacity, camera quality, Ram size, rom size, and processor type, one last feature not so important though, is the screen type.... Every other things is just stealing by trick...


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