Would You Rather Pay N15 For Stable MTN 150MB That Rocks On Android And PC?

Now so many people believe that MTN BBLITE tweak with Psiphon or simple server has been blocked because of the connection difficulty they are currently experiencing.

But I wonder why many of you are complaining when it is still rocking like thunder; though we must acknowledge here that connection recently do take little time and that is why we dropped new settings for Psiphon and also new settings for Simple Server PC  to help you connect much faster.

Today, we even have other option for you if you still feel that you cannot really exercise the little patience currently needed for you to establish a browsing connection with BBLITE subscriptions on your android or PC.

Would you rather pay N15 anytime you like for stable musicplus 150MB data that you can also use on android via Psiphon or PC via Simple Server tweak?

If you thing that will be better for you currently then, then see below how to get the musicplus 150MB and how to configure it to work with your android and/or PC;

·     Make sure you have up to N15 or more on your MTN line and then text C to 5900 to get musicplus 150MB

·     To use it on your android via Psiphon for PC via Simple Server, follow the instruction set up here by scrolling down there to see full settings.

Now, when you subscribe for the 150MB, it will put you on auto renewal mode; meaning if you have more airtime and when you exhaust your 150MB, the plan will be renewed as another N15 will be deducted and another 150MB will be given to you.

But if you don’t want it to auto renew, then you have to deactivate auto-renewal after your first subscription by sending Cancel 7C to 5900
Would You Rather Pay N15 For Stable MTN 150MB That Rocks On Android And PC? Would You Rather Pay N15 For Stable MTN 150MB That Rocks On Android And PC? Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 2:39:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. Replies
    1. What! MTN are going crazy. How come you are the only one being charged heavily! Everyone has been charged N15 for that and nobody has reported being charged N75. Nevertheless I will investigate that and see if MTN has truly gone completely insane. But hope it was C that you sent and not D?

  2. Morning!.... I need your help on this, how could I browse on laptop with psiphon and using that 150mb... Please tell me fast

  3. How could i use psiphon with laptop and that 150mb...

    1. If you have to use Psiphon, then you should tether your phone to your laptop by following the tethering instruction here, or you should rather use musicplus configured Simple Server

  4. It's not working again with me. Any solution please

    1. You mean you can no longer subscribe or that after successful subscription it is not working for you

  5. I can subscribe but it's not connecting

  6. I hope is not going to change to any panl right


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