Opera Mini Is Definitely Not The Best, Here Are 3 Most Annoying Things About Opera Mini Mobile Browser
It surprises
us in this present era, when some folks still heap praises on Opera Mini
Browser (latest version), and even more surprising when they start tagging it
as the best mobile browser among the rest.
If you say
Opera Mini used to be one of the best mobile browsers in the past, then we can
fully concur with you but definitely no
longer in this present era.
Opera Mini
mobile version is obsolete and even its latest version cannot stand out favourably
with some other browsers like, Chrome, Firefox, UCweb etc.
But on why
some folks still tag Opera Mini browser as the best browser presently still
keep us wondering and we are tempted to refer to them as being ignorant of
other mobile browsers.
Yes it is
true that one man’s meat can be other person’s poison but not on the case of
Opera Mini browser that is now so glaring that the browser is truly obsolete and
does not meet modern day need on internet and browser technologies.
Now, some
might argue and will want to defend their stands on Opera Mini as the best
mobile browser by asking question like this;
If we say
that Opera Mini is not among the best 3 mobile browsers, why is it that Opera
Mini remains the most used browser down here?
Now, remember
that the most used browser does not in any way implies the best browser, and here
are the common reasons why more people use Opera Mini browser down here than
any other browsers;
Yes no doubt,
it is a light-weight browser and consumes lesser data and again people use it
more down here because of the exclusive cheap Opera Mini data plans that the 4
major GSM network providers offer.
Aside those
things, Opera Mini browser are very annoying browser when compared with some
other mobile browsers out there.
Recommended: UCbrowser for web VS Microsoft Edge browser
Now, here
are the 3 most annoying things about the Opera Mini browser that we will want
to point out below.
1. It is not a responsive browser – now in
this modern era, who again builds a rigid browser that is not responsive like
Opera Mini?
And that is the reason why when you land on a
mobile webpage that has search bar or drop-down menu with Opera Mini browser,
you will not be able to get access to those website features, as any attempt to
pull down the drop-down menu or to use the search feature will only end up
refreshing the page.
2. Opera Mini distorts some webpage
elements – In as much as web developers have their own roles to play when
building a website for unified browsers, Opera Mini mobile browser is known to
distort the presentation of some webpage gadgets.
For example some social
media buttons or some other gadgets will not display properly on Opera Mini
browser or will display as blank elements.
3. Opera Mini does not load asynchronous
ads all the time - for publishers serving ads in an asynchronous mode; you should
know that Opera Mini does not display such ads all the time, mostly the first
visit of the mobile webpage with asynchronous ads, the ads are not often displayed,
except maybe for 2nd or some cases 3rd visits.
There are
other anomalies associated with Opera Mini browsers, and even as no other
mobile browsers can claim perfection, but browsers like Chrome, Firefox,
UCbrowsers are far more ahead of Opera Mini.
Left for us
here, we want to conclude that Opera Mini is an obsolete browser that only
performs better on older platforms like Symbian and java, but not on iOS,
android, Windows etc.
Opera Mini Is Definitely Not The Best, Here Are 3 Most Annoying Things About Opera Mini Mobile Browser
Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu
2:39:00 PM

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