Non-removable Battery On Phones Finally Becoming Mainstream Feature

The constant evolution of technology in our world today presents so much uncertainty that one can hardly predict the next direction a new or upcoming technology will take.

The mobile device world is one of the facets of technology that this uprising in technological development has taken a full toll on and with rapid growth as seen over the past decade.

I am sure that 5 years ago, if someone had mentioned to you that non-removable battery phones will finally make its way into mainstream phone production and will push aside those with removable batteries, most of you would have doubted it vehemently.

But today, as we speak, most phone manufacturers are moving away from the production of mobile devices with removable battery and are rapidly drifting towards manufacturing of phones with non-removable batteries.

In fact in this present era of mobile technology, non-removable battery phones are now the order of the day for many smartphone OEM, and people are beginning to have no other choice order than gradual acceptance even when they are not so pleased with what they are witnessing.

In one of our previous articles, we talked about on why people detest using phones with non-removable battery, and despite numerous disadvantages presented which were backed up with cogent reasons and facts, phone manufactures on their parts might have contrary views and hence the surge in the production of phones with non-removable battery.

Whatever the case may be, there is just one thing to have at the back of your mind; and it is that we are currently experiencing the greatest technological evolution of our time, and whether the technology seem to come out right or not, you should learn to embrace it and allow only adaptation to heal any wound that the technology might have come along with. 
Non-removable Battery On Phones Finally Becoming Mainstream Feature Non-removable Battery On Phones Finally Becoming Mainstream Feature Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 9:48:00 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Some people have a trouble with their BB Q5 battery for the example the handheld was turned off when the battery percentage about 30% or more. Radio batteries


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